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Cuppy Bubbles Ducky I made myself a bath

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Guest Littlepup
I got my period yesterday and was feeling bad but daddy's at work so I finished my chores and made myself a warm bath to feel better. In the bubble bath with my sippy cup, is great, mmhm
Guest Littlepup

Oh speaking of periods... I was going to tell everyone about the reusable cloth pads I bought that happen to be the best thing ever. I used tampons for long time I agree they are convenient and less mess but I was use them too much and feeling irritated from it. So I tried cloth pads and they are amazing ...

Not only do they work exceptionally well (no leak, feel dry, comfy, reusable)

They are the darn cutest thing, SO cute. Which goes a long way in keeping up my spirits. So I may still have cramps every now and then but all the gross yucky sticky dirty sweaty stinky embarrassing diaper pad grownup type feelings I don't have anymore !!!! Yay!!

Guest Littlepup

Not to mention environmental friendly :)

Yes! thanks for mentioning that aspect! I always forget that but it's so true


Also I dont have to buy those yucky ones anymore which is great.. those expenses really add up when you're poor. btw are we allowed to post pictures in the forums

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