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When it's no one's fault

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Guest tempest

Breakups suck, we all know that. Normally though, there's someone to blame. Something to be mad about. Then there are the breakups that are just sad. When LDR isn't on the table for example, and the brain starts to move after the bliss fog lifts a bit and you both start thinking rationally.

What do you do when it's no one's fault??

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You mourn your loss. You hurt and cry for days, weeks, months. Everything will seem dull and pointless. You'll lounge around all day and will want to do absolutely nothing but cry. And that's okay. Just don't lose sight of the fact that the pain you feel is only temporary. You will move on at some point, and when that time comes the color will start to return to your life. You'll be able to smile again and appreciate the things around you, and you'll come out of it stronger than you were before.


So for now just cry. Let it all out. But remember to remind yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Good luck, stranger. I'll be rooting for you.


You grieve. Learn from the experience. Move on.



It hurts and it sucks, but it's apart of being alive and having relationships. The feelings will pass. You'll get sad occasionally, but that's normal. Basically just mourn and get it all out. Cry hard for a few days. Cry for however long you need.


because of my mental illnesses and the way i was brought up, i tend to blame someone even if there's no one to blame and i usually end up blaming myself and crying a lot, while listening to my break up playlist because you really don't understand just how many songs you have on your phone that are breakup songs until you get your heart broken. so to answer your question: i am really not a mature human being and tend to blame someone lol

Guest tempest

Thank you all for your responses. They're helping. 

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Guest TwinklingSpace

Focus on the good. Remember the good time(s) you had together. Remember the joy, happiness and love. Remember how they made you feel; the butterflies, how you were the light of their world, the way they said your name made your heart flutter, etc. Remember how you made them feel; loved, strong, your whole world, etc. Remember the good.


Because there's always going to be too much bad and hurt. So remember the good, focus on the joy and wish them nothing but wealth and riches in everything they do. And wish a little for yourself too :heart:

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