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Guest Sweet_babygirl

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Guest Sweet_babygirl
I have a lot of insecurities about my relationship with my daddy, we are in a ldr and I love him and I know he loves me too, but I don't know how to talk to him about stuff that makes me really sad or emotional. He's been really busy this year and we haven't got as much time to talk, and I keep getting lost in thoughts of "does he even want me" and if he even wants to be my daddy. We've had this conversation over and over again and he always tries to reassure me but my mind just won't accept it. I feel like I'm a bother to him and I don't know how to talk about it without being more of a bother. Advice?
Has this always been a long distance relationship? A year is a really long time for someone to be too busy for you. Honestly it makes it sound as though you are not a priority. A few days is acceptable, but in order to make any relationship work you have to communicate. If you feel like you can't talk to him about how you feel without being a bother or that he doesn't make time for you then it doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.
Guest MissNMTX

These feelings of insecurity seem so be really common in LDR's.  Its very hard to get all the communication you need when there's also "real life" to be attended too. This is especially true of "emotional" conversations  They need to be given proper time to be discussed and expressed, which often can't be done at the end of a tiring work day or even over a weekend. I don't know what it is that's kept him so busy for so long, but I do know that most daddies work very hard on top of being a daddy which is hard its self. Can you ask him when would be a good time? if he can set aside specific time to have a real conversation? If he's "too tired" or simply unwilling then I agree with Princess P that it may be time to rethink things. Everyone deserves to feel like a priority to their partner.

Guest QueenJellybean

I agree with the above posters. A year is a really long time to be "too busy to talk." However, if the issue lies more in the fact that you have trouble bringing up these things, try writing them down, or starting an interactive journal with your partner. Writing can sometimes be a lot easier than actually talking, and you'll have time to think about your responses as will he. 

Guest Sweet_babygirl
He does try to make time for me, but he runs his own company and has to go to people's houses and drives around a lot, and this year his work has really taken off. We usually get some chat time everyday but not much and sometimes my anxiety acts up and when it does I get really paranoid about being a bother

I agree with what MissNMTX and BabyBelugaBelle have said,it is perfect so I will only add that maybe you have to allow yourself to behave for once like many women do: Take economic facts into account.

Unpleasant subject,but all studies confirm this in the vanilla world,regarding marriage for example: Consciously or unconsciously,women when looking for a partner aim for the best established man; Taking into account things like their own social background,education,etc,they will look "up the stairs" from where they are.


When writing try to wipe out anything judgmental. None of you two has done anything wrong.

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