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Custom paci?

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Anyone know where to order a cute custom paci?

I think some people on Etsy take requests? I'm not sure though.

Etsy has quite a few shops that do custom pacis. That's where I plan on getting mine.
Do you know the names of good shops?

One online store I know of that makes and sells custom pacis is LittleBabyBigPlaypen. A friend on here recommended it to me but I haven't bought anything there yet. (They also have tiaras.)


I second Little Baby's Big Playpen! Shes an absolute sweetheart! I've been working with Brea lately to plan out my paci! Bear in mind shes going to school now so it may be a little wait time- but she is worth it.


Look up that shop on storeenvy and you'll see all of her work too!

Aww I love her glitter pacis, they're so cute!

This is the paci that Little Baby Big Playpen just customized for me! Its sooo cute!


So far the experience has been amazing and she'll be shipping mine out on Thursday!


What do you guys think?




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