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Im so frustrated. hes in the middle of his trip to see me and we ended things.. he didnt even care. he lterally told me "ive lost so much that i dont really care that im losing you at this point." so that happened. i admitted that i was in the wrong but these past few days have been the only time things have ever been bad between us. he said hes not giving me another chance, as if i'd done something like this before. i havent, i know that for a fact. But yeah. He's 20 years old and acting like a 5 year old.. i said i was done trying to support a one sided relationship and he started mocking me. he said, and i quote, "im sam. i get mad when something doesnt go my way. i get mad when people dont put up with my bullshit so i rant about it onmy snapchat story. waaah." im so frickin done. i wont try and fight for someone whos that immature.. 

this is all because i saw that he was talking on the phone with some girl. i asked him who he could possibly be talking to at 3 am, when he told me he couldnt talk because he was "not in the mood to talk." he wouldnt give me a straight answer and things just spiraled downhill from there..

kill me. i also lost my best friend today because she's choosing a manipulative, psychopathic girl over me. even though the girl shes choosing has abused me and my friend. she "doesnt give two flying f**ks. why do these things keep happening to me... 


I'm so sorry to hear this, well read that thios has happen to you. And but reading this I think he's in the wrong. A good daddy just doesn't give up on his little. Who ever this guy is sounds like a baby. ( no offences) . But really and honest it's saddens  me to know someone it hurt. I want you to kniow you and talk to me if need. I know i'm a stranger, ( stranger danger jk) but i'll be here




I'm very sorry. Your story about meeting him was wonderful and you shared your happiness with us and now this...


Lets face it: Someone that talks at 3:00 am with another girl and hide it is very suspicious. And he is being very immature. Also, he avoid dall kind of solution to this?  He definitively don't like as a Daddy or an adult. 


But don't lose hope, ok?


About your friend don't worry about too much, please. Good friends don't vanish so easily.

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Guest MissNMTX

Oh sweetheart! I am so sorry to hear this. The gambler was right, your stories on meeting him were so great.  I think this is a case of projecting. Often in LDR's we accept what we can get instead of what we deserve or what we would require in an in person relationship.  Its super easy to dismiss bad behavior and even easier for our own insecurities to pop up. I think when you finally met in person he realized that HE was the one not MATURE enough for this relationship and what it needs. Since he's not mature enough to admit that he put it on you. You both are still very young and have a lot of life and god willing love ahead of you.  Take this time to learn about yourself and what was wrong this time around. Its all a chance to do and be better next time.


As for your friend, I too have lost a best friend...well past the age of 19. It still hurts if I think too much about it even now. She too had only a friendship downgrade in exchange. Sometimes, as women being friend is hard. She seems to still be in a place where she needs the approval of others, You're young. This is sometimes a long and difficult phase to outgrow.  I promise you someone better for your spirit will come along on both counts.

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Also, just remember that in LDR it is easy to idealize the perfect someone. It is when you meet them in person that will tell you whether you will get along with them. Even if you've been in contact with someone long distance for a year, one day with them in real life could make a potential relationship go away. The takeaway point is that try not to put all your feelings in one bottle. If it works out, great. If not, be ready to move on.


All the best to you and hope things get better for you!


people suck unfortunately :/ and you're gonna have to meet a lot of sucky ones before you meet the good ones, but i promise you that it'll be worth it.

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