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Comic Books

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I was wondering if anybody reads comic books. :3

I read a lot of DC comics but currently I'm really enthralled with The Walking Dead (I've only got to Volume 2, but even so they're great)

How about you guys?


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Guest annemarie

i loooooooove comic books!!! most of my comics are X-Men, but i have a couple DC in there too. i need to go comic book shopping again

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I'm at the store each Wednesday for the weekly releases. Nearly strictly Marvel, not through some sorta anti-DC feelings but honestly because Marvel heroes just tend to be more interesting for me. I also get some IDW and assorted lines at times. 


I'm my friend groups go-to for "tell me about this strange Marvel thing" haha. 


What are some good recommendations out there? I'm currently reading vol. 3 of The Sandman

Guest annemarie

What are some good recommendations out there? I'm currently reading vol. 3 of The Sandman


sandman is AMAZING. i would suggest uncanny xmen, xmen: prelude to schism, and there was one more i was gonna suggest, but i can't remember it now ;-;

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I love comic books!!!! I have all DC comics, and most of them are Batman! I'm currently following the new 52 batman but my favorite is, The Killing Joke! The last comic I got was, A Death in the Family. I'm always down for anything Batman

I looove comics. I love hellboy comics and DC comics mostly.

In little space I highly recommend Courtney Crumrin series by Ted Naifeh!!! Give them a try. They are awesome ^^

I looove comic books. My current favorites are Princess Amethyst of Gemworld and Static Shock
I love anything relating to Batman
Guest Mr.Thomas
I use the comixology app marvel and DC off shoot I spend way too much on them :(
Posted (edited)

Obligatory "I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove comic books" (The more o's mean I love them the most obvs) :rolleyes:

The obvious ones are always awesome. Preacher, The Sandman, Persepolis, ect.


But I do have to give a shout to Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, American Vampire (decently original story for Vampires), Buddha, Habibi,

Crossed, Nailbiter, and Ichi the Killer are amazing if you're into the dark stuff; these are extremely graphic and gory, so proceed with caution. Locke & Key is also a bit dark, but not that gory; the story is very unique, though. Uzumaki is an excellent mind bender, but it's extremely weird. Black Hole is also a classic. It's a pretty decent metaphor. Try Transmetropolitan if you're into crazy social commentary.

Rat Queens is a pretty decent female-protagonist series. It's not the best, but it's funny. If you want something a little more easy going and to the point, Tank Girl is good. I didn't like it much, but it's a classic. It's good to have it under your belt.

If you're into more fantasy, try Fables. It's a mix up of all of the fairy tales and legends. It can get a bit dark sometimes, but I think it's pretty friendly to people wanting to enjoy a graphic novel.


Edit: If you're really not into dark stuff, Scott Pilgrim is usually a safe bet. It's cute and funny.

Edited by LittleRedRiding

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