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Little-ish websites

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I tried searching for a thread similar to this, but the only threads were old so I'm not sure if it's better to revive an old one or make a new one so sorry about that (>~<)


But I thought of this with the best apps for littles topic!! And for me, I think its a little easier to find websites that are fun!

So I'm gonna write the ones I can remember right now, and if anyone else has accounts we can add each other and everyone can add on to the list!♥


My personal favorite:

★Webkinz★ Online website where you can take care of virtual pets that are linked to real life stuffies! You can play for free, or buy 1 webkinz for 1 year of membership. I've played this game since it came out and I was in kindergarten!! There are lots of games, and you can decorate your rooms and dress your pet and lots more, the website it better at explaining it !


♥Moshi Monsters♥ Another online pet-caring website, its free too. Its kind of really limiting when you don't pay for a membership, but its still cute and fun !


♥Animal Jam♥ Free but paying gives you perks, a massively multiplayer online virtual world where you can play as an animal, play games, adopt pets, and more stuffs~ 


♥Club Penguin♥ This game is pretty well known! It's a big mmo where you are a penguin and more games and decorating and stuffs haha


So I'll edit this as I find more! Sorry this list is short, but I'm excited if anyone else likes these and if there are any other fun sites (*^▽^)/

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There is a game on the appstore called Highrise which is very cute and fun to play http://65.media.tumblr.com/2246f84a33ac6530171c3da740454b88/tumblr_inline_nt1m4vLfEc1t78dpp_500.png

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