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When Do You Know It's Time To Give Up

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Okay so I really just want to rant right now. So I have been into ddlg for a while. Am on a couple of sites and have been looking for friends and etc. So I did find one awesome friend, but other than that every one I have encountered have been racist or creeps . So I was recently on a site i thought was for ddlg, but it's not it was just a bunch of emo people but I stayed on the site anyways because I thought I could still meet great friends that our different looks and things didn't matter. So I stayed or whatever and all I have been getting is messages and statuses about me been black stereotyping me and etc.its like whenever I join a site or try to be nice and just my self people always have something to say. Am tired and am beginning to hate everyone and everthing. It's getting to the point where me being in little space or being apart of the ddlg community has become nothing but a reminder of those people . So I start to hate myself for being who I am. What do I do? Should I give up? When is enough is enough?
Guest SaladHater
You're making a rant about other sites on this site? This site is pretty friendly I think. And plus you don't get racist comments/messages from people on here unless you accept them onto your friends list.
Sorry this site is friendly I just wanted some advice on what to do.
Guest Zephy

I'm sorry you had to experience all that, but be more positive and surround yourself with as many positive people - don't shut yourself or your little self off.

I know very well how hurtful words can be and how immature some people can get even more so on the internet.


Do not hate yourself, like me and many more others we do not care about how you look like and certainly don't select our friends like that.

I'm sure if you start interacting here and meet some fellow littles along with other friends things will start looking much brighter. :)


Hi Little Kitten Diamond,


I have to say that while I am so very sorry you've had to experience such negative responses, I am unfortunately and sadly not all that surprised.  I wish I could say that I know what you're going through but that would not only be condescending but also very trite and quite banal.  Regrettably, racism remains alive in your country, my country and everywhere else in our world.  And if I were in your shoes, I would certainly want to rant and be ready to give up... we should all walk a mile in each other's shoes to help us understand each other a little bit better.


I don't know you nor anything about you but like you, I like to have friends I can speak with/chat with online... not only about DDlg but also about life in general.  It's always nice to have someone to talk to about your day--good and bad days, about how you're feeling, someone to "bounce ideas off" and someone who will just listen without judgement.  This website is wonderful, the majority of people here are good and though I have been on other sites/chat rooms... this is now the only site for me.


If you need a friend, I will gladly accept your Friend request. 


Hoping to hear from you :)


cutie_patootie  aka Carly


P.S. For everyone else, here's something we all need to remember...


Words and hearts should be handled with care
For words when spoken and hearts when broken
Are the hardest things to repair

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Guest tempest
Posted (edited)

I have been on a few different sites as well. I, like Carly, can't say I know what it's like to feel that type of discrimination. I'm so sorry that you've been hurt.


I think this site will be different for you. The members come from all over the world. We're a melting pot of races, languages, cultures and ideals. I hope you find a better experience here.


Good luck sweet girl!



Edited by lele

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