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Advice for a Kitten/Little on her period

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I'm a Kitten/Little and I just got my period again and my cramps are killing me! I have an Irregular period, so they're really intense and sore, and when I get into Kitten/Little space I just cry and cry and cry! 


Does anyone have any advice for helping me ease the cramps in an easy way?


My dearest darlingest Crybaby-Kitten, cramps do hurt so so so bad!! I used to get fibroids and my cramps would be so bad before bcp that my obgyn thought I had endometriosis :( #relatable. Anyway,


-midol (2 capsules with a meal, we don't want upset tummies)

-sometimes for me holding my breath and trying to breathe as slowly and deeply as I can helps, but this is a rarity.

-heating pad or bag of uncooked heated rice

-wrapping yourself in tons and tons of blankets and pillows, esp if your body gets v sensitive, build, or have someone else, make you a blanket burrito 

-if you cant take midol, take pamprin, it works wonders

-ibuprofen usually requires taking larger doses, such as 4 200mg tablets instead of 1 or 2, which can cause complications for your liver along the way if it becomes constant.

-get a bag and decorate it to be your special natural heating pad, color it however you want. Fill it with a bag of uncooked raw oats and put a few drops of lavender or chamomile oil, or another oil that helps you calm down.

-(when you're not crampy) create an emergency cramp/period kit with the following:

   -chocolate or favorite period snack

   -pads/tampons/cup/sponge/collection method

   -tissues for the inevitable crying

   -heating pad or bag of rice/oats

   -pain killers, anti inflammatories or muscle relaxors if you can take those. DO not take drugs you know you either cannot handle or are not supposed to take.

   -anything else that helps with easing the whole ordeal


when my cramps get really bad I double over, so I have a friend whos 5' help me walk if we're in public and I need to get home. Have a friend that knows how bad it is and won't make you feel bad for it come and take care of you for a little bit. The same 5'friend is a nurse and lives with me, so I know I can always ask her to lightly massage the area where my uterus is or the pain, fetch me water, hold me, get me some chocolate or whatever else I'm craving, etc. 

 Kind of personal and you don't have to answer, but have you checked with an obgyn about it? I'm going to be a sex educator so I do a lot of research but am not qualified to make a diagnosis, but it could be alleviated with hormonal estrogen birth control; it could also be fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc. Don't let this scare you, although it can be scary to think that somethings wrong in a place that literally no one understands. Thankfully, we have obgyns and womens wellness centers that are dedicated to womens health and empowerment. Look up your symptoms and take it with a grain of salt, and schedule a appt with an obgyn, hopefully they'll be incredibly supportive ad validating in what's going on should you decide to schedule. 



I really hope you feel better with some of these, or at least knowing you're not alone with bad cramps!!  :heart:  :heart:  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  *glitter*  etxra glitter and hearts to make it all go away


I really hope you feel better with some of these, or at least knowing you're not alone with bad cramps!!

Guest milky-sweet

My period is quite painful too so I can totally relate to this.


Do take painkillers! Don't torture yourself!


Also, take a warm shower, it always helps me.


Take care, and hope you feel better soon! x


Oh the struggle is REAL! My sure fire cramp solution EVERY time is a heating pad. If it's PMS (period isn't quite there yet but shes coming) I soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts. 


Don't try to tough it out... Don't be a Hero lol Take some OTC pain killers and just relax. 


I used to have really bad cramps too! I found that even though my instinct was to curl up into a ball, the best thing you can do is lay flat and try not to tense up. A heating pad works really nicely. I also get headaches pretty bad when I'm on my period, so putting something cool on your neck can feel really good. Chocolate will definitely help! 


If anything, just put on some calm music or watch your favorite tv show. If possible, I like to have somebody play with my hair. It feels nice and takes my mind off the pain. 


Feel better :)

I had the same problem. Birth control made the bad cramps go away. And my periods are regular now too.

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