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After sex daddy puts the binkie in my mouth and holds me. Really helps me get into my little space. What rituals do you have? We are still growing as daddy and baby, I need inspiration. Thank you
Guest LavanderRabbit
It's actually called aftercare and something quite needed after rough or even normal soft scenes. There can be a ritual to it, but usually it's different based on the needs of both parties.

The only "ritual" we have is Daddy has me kneel at his feet when we say goodnight. Otherwise.. I don't think we have anything overly Ritualistic. 

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Daddy has motorcycle boots. When we first began together... He went to take them off.


He said he never saw anyone move as fast as I did across the room to take his boots off... no prompt needed.


Now, I remove his boots if we are done going anywhere... And I kiss the right one. I worship him at his knees but by his side and that is a ritual we have. I have a certain pose to take to let Daddy know what his princess wants... Total submission. We are not just DD/lg we are into the whole BDSM scene in general I suppose. I'm a masochist, he's learning how to feed the desire more... he's never been a sadist but a Dom, a Master, yes. This is my first truly involved BDSM DD/lg relationship.We've been together almost a year now... We've already been through so many trials and tribulations and situations and issues environmental, etc. (Like the tornado that hit us on December 26)


So far, that's the only rituals. I want more. I crave me. I just love to please Daddy and make him proud and... breathless. Because he leaves me breathless!!!!

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Daddy always sits with me when I'm taking a shower, but most of the time he is giving me a bath but he sits and talks to me every night, sometimes he climbs in too ;) and then we hang out for a while and right before bed I get my stickers on my behavior chart and then he gives me my benadryl ( insomnia sucks and this non habit forming pink pill is the best. And cheaper than sleep aid t the store even though it has the same ingredients and same dosage) and the. He pulls the blanket over me, tucks me in and turns on the fan at my bedside. Then comes back and kisses me on the forehead and tells me he loves me. This is my most favorite time of day!
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That is so cute and sweet ohmigosh!!!!

Hehe I Love My Daddy =) Especially at night. The other day I caught him singing Disney songs in the shower <3 it was the cutest thing
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AWWW!!! LOL I get Melanie Martinez stuck in my Daddy's had... he's hardcore rock and roll lover and it drives him crazy.



....It's my secret ploy... make him want to take me to Austin for her show just so I stop playing her so much... Hehehehe :ph34r:


Daddy has motorcycle boots. When we first began together... He went to take them off.


He said he never saw anyone move as fast as I did across the room to take his boots off... no prompt needed.


Now, I remove his boots if we are done going anywhere... And I kiss the right one. I worship him at his knees but by his side and that is a ritual we have. I have a certain pose to take to let Daddy know what his princess wants... Total submission. We are not just DD/lg we are into the whole BDSM scene in general I suppose. I'm a masochist, he's learning how to feed the desire more... he's never been a sadist but a Dom, a Master, yes. This is my first truly involved BDSM DD/lg relationship.We've been together almost a year now... We've already been through so many trials and tribulations and situations and issues environmental, etc. (Like the tornado that hit us on December 26)


So far, that's the only rituals. I want more. I crave me. I just love to please Daddy and make him proud and... breathless. Because he leaves me breathless!!!!


lol, that's true... and it surprised me.

It was only the first or second time I had stayed over, and you ran and slid to me like sliding into home-plate, just to take them off for me.

I told you to kiss the right boot, never the left, because it's the right that will kick you in the butt if needed.


Since then that has been a ritual, and there will be more... Daddy says so.

I have been a Master since I was in my late teens... but never a sadist by definition... I don't get off on giving pain, I like giving pleasure, but when pain pleases you so much, then it works for me.


Same with being a Daddy ... I was born and raised Dominate, and I can be Dominate throughout life as I choose ... but it is our littles that make us Daddy or Mommy, everyday, all day.


Other rituals we have, is my making sure I give special kisses, well all the time, but at bedtime especially, and playing with your hair or rubbing your back as you sink into sleep, at least let you know how proud I am of you.

(Anyone will kiss your cheek, and even your mouth, and they get more out of it, or as much ... but only someone who truly cares for you deeply, and without pride or selfishness, will kiss you on the forehead!)


As you are now getting more comfy and natural with being nude even out of bed, I will bathe and care for you regularly... but it's also a ritual for you to give Daddy a bath when he opts out of a shower.


Rituals come in many flavors, the little things as well as the grand fiasco extravaganzas ... I love them all, and I love my little girl.


I suggest that everyone recognize, and cherish the little things you do with you and yours... those are the things we take with us everyday.

Those are the things that live with us, work with us, and sleep beside us under the moon.


The big ones are great,and will always stand out when they appear... but they fade just as they appear... the small things cling and become who we are.


Wishing everyone the best!!


And like Daddy does without a computer... I've melted. I'm goo. I'm ectoplasm. I'm.... guh. I  love my Daddy <3333333 I can't ever express it enough. I hope everyone can find their perfect Mommy/Daddy/Caregiver, etc for any little or middle or pet or, etc!


Love and peace, always.

Blessed Be

The aftercare daddy usually provides is showering together then he finds my paci and my favorite Stuffie and gets me all tucked in and dressed and everything. And then we cuddle up till we fall asleep (or till I fall asleep cause sometimes it's during the day and j take a nap while daddy plays his video games)

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