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The Person Below Me Game!

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Nope had the same color for years if you count bald

TPBM likes peanut butter


LOVE IT! I put it on hot waffles so there are little pools of melty goodness all over the place!


TPBM loves to tap dance


I used to do tap dance when I was really young. But not since then. I did love it though!


TPBM has a lot of really cool and cute socks.


Yes!!! I have too many socks >.< All colours and patterns, i love socks  :blush:


The person below me bites their fingernails

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Yup guilty as charged there.

TPBM loves to travel

Guest Mr. J

Absolutely! Seeing new and beautiful places, or even just going back to explore further in places I've already been, always brings peace to my heart :3


TPBM remembers (and maybe sometimes misses?) having to double-click links on the internet  :o

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Oh so guilty of that one. I remember when the net was  a much smaller and safer place.

TPBM loves balloons


Yes!! But more the not floaty ones, that you can throw at people and not get in trouble for breaking stuffs with...


The person below me can write with both hands

Guest SoftxFlower

Oh nooo, I'm not . . . I'm a righty  :lol:


TPBM loves sweets!


Sweeties over chocolate, ANY day ^^


The person below me cab get their leg over and behind their own head...

Guest BigDaddyDominant

I actually tried that and epic failed so count me out

TPBM drinks there coffee black


I actually tried that and epic failed so count me out

TPBM drinks there coffee black

Only if the coffee is not super acidic.

Other wise I need cream and sugar to cover up that weird burnt taste


TPBM sings in the shower


Yes.... i live alone though, so i'm allowed!! and the neighbours haven't complained so far.... >.<


The person below me could live on Ramen..


Nooo I couldn't live without mashed potatoes!


TPBM cant stand subtitles over what they're watching


Nooo I couldn't live without mashed potatoes!


TPBM cant stand subtitles over what they're watching

if it's in English I don't like it. If it's in another language it's kind of necessary lol


TPBM pours milk into the bowl before they pour in their cereal.

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Nope don't eat cereal. Once I learned all the stuff they put on it ewwwwwwwww is  under sttement
TPBM cal read a clock (non digital one)


Yep, when I wear a watch mine are analogue.



TPBM remembers taking road trips and your parents keeping the road Atlas on the dash just in case they needed it to get where you were going.

Guest BigDaddyDominant

wow showing my age but I have many fond memories that were like that.

TPBM has a favorite little song

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Guest SoftxFlower

I don’t know any little songs (Any suggestions?)


TPBM likes donuts

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Yes though now I can't et them (evil carbs)

TPBM is addicted to dougnuts


Nope, she is addicted to chocolate milk :/


The person below me can speak pig latin


sadly no, pig latin would be sooo cool though! 


tpbm likes strawberry milk(if yes then me too ^^)

Guest SoftxFlower

I like chocolate milk as much as I like strawberry milk!  :D

Can't decide


TPBM likes Hot Chocolate

Guest BigDaddyDominant

all I can say is MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes!

TPBM is a coffee drinker


nope, stuff puts me in hospital :/


The person below me can touch their nose with their tongue

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