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The Person Below Me Game!

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I hasn't seen that one, but I watchs the Walking Dead :)


TPBM is a space alien, shhhh it's ok, we know you shouldn't be telling us lol 


Yas lmao


Tpbm has seen a UFO!

  • Like 1

I've actually seen a few UFO's. I live out in the country and night walks have always been one of my favorite things, seen one or two while driving too :D


TPBM rocks the scifi style ;)

Guest Fros†beard

Correct in the sense that people keep telling me I look like The Doctor. :D

TPBM enjoys ridiculously long showers.


I enjoy them, but seldom get to indulge


TPBM doesn't get enough sushi in their lives. 

Guest syther

mmmmm Salmon and wasabi seaweed roles, why must you be eleusive.



TPBM has a love for Tim Burton


I do but he needs to know other actors exist :p


Tpbm loves johnny Depp

Posted (edited)



TPBM has dyed there hair an unnatural color

Edited by LittlE^KitteN
Guest MisterE

False. It turns grey by itself.


TPBM knows how to tie knots.


Barely can tie my own shoes :x


TPBM has seen Moana


I have! Multiple times and I have the soundtrack!


TPBM suspects that aliens have visited earth.


Yes, I suspect that aliens had something to do with humanity


TPBM wishes they where an awesome alien((whatever your idea of awesome alien is be it green skin with three boobs or oossing tentacle monster or somewhere in between))


Sometimes I do wish I was an alien with three boobs tbh xD I said that to daddy the other day xD


Tpbm has a dreamcatcher

  • Like 1

((OMG!!! ME TOO!!! XD))

At the moment I don't, but I use to have a dreamcatcher.


TPBM Has seen the movie Dreamcatcher


i have seen it... its ok... not the best movie, but a funny one XD


TPBM constantly check his bank account XD


Yes I do I don't trust daddy with money (I know it sounds bad but I have reasons lol)


Tpbm secretly wishes those spam emails were real (doesn't matter if it's mail order bride, Nigerian prince with money, or even local babes in your area lol)

  • Like 1
Guest BabyGlitterMilk

only if that mail order bride is a cute persocom :o give me the android cutie!!


TPBM needs a vacation tbh


Omg yeah I do. Disney world here I come!


Tpbm likes making lists

Guest ~LittleAlice~

I make them regularly hehe :)


Tpbm loves to splash in rain puddles!


Getting a bit old to do that, but yep :)


TPBM already has tickets to Beauty and the Beast.


No lol money is tight unfortunately



Tpbm speaks another language


Well I speak BuggaBoo, Blonde and Little XD lol If those don't count then I know a few words(like many ten? lol) of Spanish and Japanese, which probably doesn't count... But I'd love to learn Japanese and Spanish. I'd LOVE to get the little kids learning books for Japanese learning, I've tried to teach myself a few times, but haven't really had the money for the resoruses.


TPBM Wants to host a cook out or BBQ


Not yet, but I'm sure it won't be long before I am!


TPBM has a special place in their heart for a special stuffie


Yas his name is Leo and he's the first one daddy bought me


Tpbm likes beanie babies


Beanie Babies not so much



TPBM thinks Wile E. Coyote should give up and become a vegetarian.

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