Toys and Games
Do you have a quiz about toys or games you'd like to share ? Drop it here and let's see how everyone does.
2 quizzes
Doll Trivia
By Little_Herpetologist
- Type: One Right Answer
- Time: 10 minutes
Trivia over doll history/make-up/facts
12 Questions 2 Players
Little Pet Shop Personality Test!
By Little_Herpetologist
- Type: One Right Answer
- Time: 10 minutes
For Gen 2 of LPS, there were specific shapes in the eyes that were supposed to determine the pet's personality! Like clovers or tear drop symbols in the eyes.
All of the personality types include: Chilliest (snowflake), Cuddliest (5 petal flower), Fanciest (diamond), Friendliest (heart), Funniest (cross/X), Happiest (big flower), Hungriest (moon), Littlest (clover), Messiest (Puddle), Sassiest (star), Sportiest (tear drop), Standard/Basic (dot), Grooviest (flower), and Punkiest (Sparkle)!
9 Questions 9 Players