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Debating and discussing hard topics healthily and respectfully.

This area will be for giving/receiving advice and debating/discussing some of those touchier topics or people asking genuine questions about something they don't understand and might fear the reaction they could receive for not having knowledge on the topic and would like to learn. These debates/discussions are meant to be open ended , kind , and to help others see things from other peoples perspectives and receive advice on hard subjects from other perspectives. Debating topics is not automatically about proving yourself correct or politics , so please consider that when diving into any of the topics that may be asked about or brought up.


Being that it is impossible to expect everyone on this forum and the internet (or in the real world off the internet for that matter) to have the same core values/morals/ethics , with belief systems and lifestyles based on those factors, there is ~going~ to be people who disagree with each other or just don't see eye to eye on some very personal and heavy topics.

Some very important things to keep in mind that help a debate/discussion stay healthy and open for others to learn and give someone an opportunity to really be heard and hear others :

- If a topic is inherently sensitive for you or you find it uncomfortable/upsetting ,  taking a moment to collect your thoughts is really helpful ! I know a lot of us can be very passionate about something and can let our eagerness to get our point across get the better of us. Taking a few moments let you think about what you are going to say and reflect if what's you really mean or not and whether it’s ~how~ you want to get your point across.

- Having a different opinion or view and expressing it in a respectful manner is distinctly and noticeably different than someone being close minded , hateful and expressing that hate with disrespect. It is only natural that people see heavy issues and topics in different ways because our own life experiences. If you don’t agree with someone , that’s OKAY ! Just because someone doesn’t have the same opinion or view as you on certain topics doesn’t mean you won’t see eye to eye on other things and it certainly doesn’t mean someone inherently hates you. 

- Keeping in mind that people can have different views , people also can be very hateful , mean , or troll people they don’t agree with. If you believe someone is posting hateful content , you can always report them to the staff team. We are trying to keep this entire club open , educational , supportive and helpful to others. When making a report , take a moment to think about the above stated. Is someone being truly hateful or breaking site rules , or are they respectfully stating their feelings and opinions and you don’t agree with them ? 

Below is a link to the site rules :  

They are all important , but specifically for this area of the club these rules stand out the most and should really be kept in mind when talking or asking about sensitive subjects : 

- No harassment or trolling.

- Treat Others The Way You Would Want To Be Treated- Think before you speak, if you wouldn't like someone saying to you what you're about to say, don't say it.

- Do not gossip or talk about other members (past or present) in chat or publicly.

- Hate speech is not tolerated. This includes but is not limited to religion, race, sexual orientation, sex, and gender.

1 topic in this forum

  1. Toxic positivity and enabling.

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