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Fashion blunders 🥲



Ever think you look great then catch yourself in a shop window , or a public bathroom mirror and have instant regret ? 

Impulse buy something and not realize how not cute it was until you got it home ? 

Given a piece of clothing with all the best intentions but you just think it’s awful ?

Wear white bottoms then start your period ? 

Buy a nice new pair of dress shoes only to get blisters and bleed all over them ? 

Think you bought the right size and now you have to figure out how you’re gunna fit in the clothing you bought ? 

Tell and show us all about your worst fashion blunders ! 

3 topics in this forum

  1. Online Shopping Fail

    • 5 replies
  2. Jewelry Fail

    • 0 replies
  3. Clothes hoarder ?

    • 1 reply
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