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  2. Woah, it looks awesome! Well done ⭐ Does this pattern have a name?
  3. Yesterday
  4. Baby Manda

    Happy Memory Made me Sad

    Thank you. Therapy helps a lot!
  5. redruffle41

    Happy Memory Made me Sad

    That's some sexy stuff right there lady!!! Phew! My hats off to you for that one.
  6. -Soul-

    Am I into DDLG?

    Hello! Firstly welcome to the forum, most folk arrive as strangers but stay as friends! There is a lot of information on here most of which can be found via the search bar or alternatively you can as you have done made a post and people can see and respond! I hope your stay here is enjoyable and informative, now onto your actual question:- I don’t think your in the wrong place, it sounds like you could benefit from a CG, the forum here can be used almost like a library, there is plenty information you can learn from and expand your knowledge of the dynamics. is it parental issues? I can’t personally answer this for you, what I can answer is my own experiences, I had no issues with my parents (Mom&Step Dad) growing up (other than my Father walking out my life) but I class myself as a CG and I take pride in how I am towards others, life is about how you treat people, I believe you treat them how you’d like to be treated. (Sorry I can’t really answer this one) how can you take on that Role yourself? This is a tricky question, I would say hang around the forum, read as much as you can and want to on different things, remember “DDLG” is just a blanket term for the whole spectrum of dynamics you can have! If you feel comfortable in doing so, make some friends here, heck you may even find a CG, but it starts with self discovery and being open and honest with yourself, you will be fine I promise and above all have fun with it, in the mean time please take care and if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out (also apologies if this made no sense I’m just rambling)
  7. Baby Manda

    Happy Memory Made me Sad

    Thank you dear friend. I'm looking for the truth beyond my feelings today. Sometimes my feelings overwhelm the truth. I am enough.
  8. Little Dum Capilli

    Not Just Spoons

    While I also use "spoons", and most, if not all of my friends, RL and Digital, know the Spoon Theory, I have begun using a different term that in this digital day and age seems more appropriate and just as easy to understand, and I don't have to explain it to anyone not familiar with the Spoon Theory. "Bandwidth" While I may have the spoons to hang out, IRL or online chat, I don't always have the bandwidth to get into "that" right now.
  9. redruffle41

    Happy Memory Made me Sad

    I wish I was a daddy and I could send you the support you need through words. I would tell you that you deserve care and support. You deserve to be loved where you're at instead of from some mysterious acceptable place. You deserve to be loved because you are amazing!
  10. My first Daddy was a really more a friends with benefits thing, except the benefits was the DDLG. We met at my second full-time job, his full-time job, and we had a lot in common. We both we're single parents of daughters in high school and our personalities meshed well. We kinda figured out the Daddy/little dynamic together. As I learned more about myself, I realized I needed more from a Daddy than he could give. He figured it out long before I did and waited for me to get there, too. When I did, he was kind and supportive, but I felt very lost. Almost immediately I jumped into an online relationship with a Daddy and it was not good. Then I tried spending more time with my little friends, but I really was not coping well and it was not good either. I crashed badly and had a friend step in to be my temporary Mommy. It was good, but as I got stronger, we drifted apart and it ended. I've been a single little again for several weeks, but we really didn't have a daily check-ins for a couple of months. My daily routine, chores, sleep, and eating have all been off. I've also been struggling with pain from a broken foot that isn't healing and have had multiple visits to a half a dozen specialists in the past 6 weeks. All this said, I really need accountability to get my work done, but I haven't had it. I'm super overwhelmed with needing to clean my house this weekend because I have a housing inspection this week. However, I know I am capable and determined, so I started in the kitchen! I worked for 2 hours and got a lot done! Then I went to take off my super wet apron and the ties were knotted in the back! I suddenly remembered the last time that happened and my first Daddy was visiting. I was home alone (which is rare) so I had made supper for him and invited him over. I wanted to be good,so I washed dishes when we were finished and we talked. I really struggle with being taken care of and when I went to take my apron off, the ties knotted. He said, "turn around, I'll get it." I said, "it's ok, I can get it." Then out came the Daddy Voice and I did let him help me. Plus I got a gentle spanking and some cuddles. I really didn't know how to handle all my emotions and I cried, but he just held me and wiped my tears. Now cleaning today, when my apron knotted and I remember all the good times with him and my other Caregivers. Sure there's ups and downs, communication blunders, but I miss the moments where I felt safe, supported, valued, and special. I feel kinda sad seeing my messy house, remembering what was and knowing I'm not ready for more yet. Life can be so overwhelming sometimes that I miss the moments that are golden. Today my heart is happy for the good times I've had, but sad for the friends I've lost along the way.
  11. comfortingstar

    Am I into DDLG?

    Hello. I am completely new to this. I wanted to hear opinions of like-minded people. Took me some time to find the place to post. Everything is so purple haha. So, I don't know if what I am into is DDLG. Basically I crave someone to take on that caretaker role. To clarify, no, I don't want someone to control me and boss me around. I definetly wouldn't call it age play. Closer to age regression if anything due to my behaviour. I am a human though, perfectly capable of reason. It would just be a coping mechanism of some sort, an expression of me but not inherently my whole personality but I guess it is important when navigating/communicting about it with others. I love having someone to rely on, to feel safe and protected with. I think they are often called daddy or mommy here. I don't really care about the gender of the person. For me it is 100% not sexual. I guess It's also because I lack that father figure in my life. I like using that type of stuff to get better. For example, learning to believe in myself through them. Making steps towards improvement. Trying to find strength and motivation because they care. Though, I am not into pacis or diapers. Maybe it is because I might regress closer to 12, 13 and such. I think for me it is more of an emotional thing. To allow myself to be vulnerable, emotional. I love cuddles, conversations too. For me it circles around stopping my "depression" self-sabotage, but also I feel like it the most for example when it is bed time. Like when I took/take care of myself during the day. Did all my duties, or atleast tried and I will do my self-care like shower and get my clean clothes and I can get into my comfortable clean bed with my stuffie without bad influences. Or watching a movie. Or going out shopping with or without them. Or I guess just being productive, exploring my interests and living even if they aren't 24/7 present. Strangely enough I also like being encouraged to sleep healthily. Sometimes I feel even "undeserving" of that, to put it dramatically because I know everyone deserves it but deep inside I can be irrational. I do like if they work out too, good habits like that. I think it's kind of cute, like "mimicking" or trying to make them proud even if it really isn't all about that. In a way I also feel there are times I am less "little" emotionally and reliant and when I am more. In both scenarios I value my privacy and independency. I don't like unnecessary clinginess. I know how shallow that can be but in general it can be too much for my taste. I also feel at times it can be different, a vulnerability closer to my age which I want to be understood and not lowered down to less capable of thinking and acting. Haha, so I am crazy? To be honest it is hard to find the right people. I've been mistreated before which makes me avoid looking. It is not a matter of indecisiveness. It is a matter of boundaries. Some people try to take advantage of me even when I say no. It is surely a thing and very yucky in this context. I do not tolerate that. So, when I say no it is a no. It does not mean I will think about it. Especially in this role, I find it very concerning. And it is more telling about that person, warning you of their true intentions that they display towards young girls, unfortunately. If such is the case then I am a boy. So, do you think I am at the wrong place? Is it just parental issues speaking? If so, how can I take on that role for myself? If nothing, I see a slight resemblance here, so I suppose I might be able to relieve advice on the last part, if lucky enough. I am sorry for being so long, and if this place is unfit to ask. I just felt people here wouldn't be judgmental about my questions. Thank you for reading so far.
  12. xx-Bear-xx

    Things That Make You Feel Little

    🐻 Being called a Baby 🐻 Forehead kisses 💋 🐻 My Cheeks stroked 🐻 Chin being held 🐻 Head strokes 🐻 milk in a bottle 🍼 🐻 Juice in a sippy cup 🐻 sucking Daddy's / my thumb 🐻 Paci 👶 🐻 animation films 🐻 Cuddling in a blanket 🐻 Hair bows 🐻 Cutesy Pj's 🐻 Arts and Crafts 🐻 Daddy reading me books
  13. We'll be starting an hour later this week, which at the time of posting will be in 10 hours. Hope to see you there.
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  14. BabyChaos


    I think we would be good pen pals too. Send me a follow and we can talk on how you want to start.
  15. Little Dum Capilli


    Hello, I think we might be good penpals.
  16. Little Dum Capilli


    Hello, I would love to write and recieve real letters. [I'm currently using a stytis and handwriting feature on my tablet rather then typing this out on a keyboard.) One of the things I really love about period movies is how the characters would send and recieve letters and would Very much like that in my Little Life. Age: 43, for a couple more weeks Litter Age: 6 Location: Atlanta, GA, USA International Shipping: Yes
  17. And if I change my mind and don’t wanna transfer to this next school I’ll still have an associate degree so it all works out in the end eventually no matter what path you take
  18. Community college is the way to go, I’m so glad I listened to my parents about going to community college before I go on with my degree because now that I’m almost done with my core classes I only need two years to finish my degree instead of four because I don’t have to do all the core classes when I transfer which makes it maybe about the best choice I ever made.
  19. JunleMaster

    Which One?

    It really depends on what you’re looking for. If you prefer a simple layout with easy access to features, the first option might be better. If customization matters more, go for the second.
  20. beanbean

    Big Book of Dad Jokes.

    What do you call a cult that’s tough to join ? diffiCult
  21. beanbean

    Big Book of Dad Jokes.

    What has four legs is big ,green ,fuzzy and if it fell out of a tree it would kill you? A pool table
  22. beanbean

    Big Book of Dad Jokes.

    Beavers are coming !! We’re all dammed
  23. beanbean

    Big Book of Dad Jokes.

    Of course you can
  24. curious1

    Feeling defeated vent

    Thank you
  25. I am new here and I hope I am attaching this correctly to the post. Here is a knit blanket I just finished. I am self taught in most fiber arts so I know it looks wonky and embarrassing.
  26. Last week
  27. NR_Daddy

    CareGiver Gifts to Littles

    I think every little would be different and that's why it's important to develop a bond and get to know them. If you did that then you would know what they would like, and it would make any gift special as you made the effort to get to know them
  28. Littlejewel

    CareGiver Gifts to Littles

    It’s definitely not about the gift, but the thought behind the gift. It could be a chocolate bar from the gas station and all that matters is that they thought of me and put effort into getting something they felt I would like. It’s definitely individual, but some things I enjoy are art supplies, little hair accessories, books/gift cards for books, and soft fluffy blankets or other comfort items.
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