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About This Club

The place to share all your comfort items and stuffie friends.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. NikoLovesDaddy88

    Favorite Stuffie Brand

    I don't really have a favorite brand, I just pick up whatever looks cute! I do have a lot of care bears and squishmallows though.
  3. Let's talk about favorite stuffie brands!
  4. Most photos are going to exceed this site's upload limit. You can convert it without losing a ton of qaulity with a simple conversion site online or an app. If you type "image conversion 500kb" in a search bar, you should find a simple tool. It shouldn't be necessary to sign up for most of them: be safe when uploading images to any site!
  5. Allow me to start this off with Reginald, a very cute ducky I received as a Christmas present! Reginald is a butler who loves preparing fancy food and making sure everyone is having a good time.
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      • So cute

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