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About This Club

C.U.P.C.A.K.E. - Cute, Unique People Celebrating Anime, Kawaii, and Entertainment Your one stop shop for discussing all things anime.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. For this week's movie I've found something I think is pretty special, and I've been looking for, for a while now. Hope to see you there! https://hyperbeam.com/i/v8sVBQsA
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  3. Last night we watched Dragon's Heaven, and I think that would count for weird, it starts out with stop motion, is a decently light mecha anime that then stops 60% the way through the runtime for credits and behind the scenes stuff.
  4. LunaLilac

    Movie Night

    Movie Night is in an hour, look forward to it! https://hyperbeam.com/i/aFnjsfwX
  5. We'll be getting started in 10 hours so get excited for it!
  6. We're going to have our watch party in one hour, hope to see you there! https://hyperbeam.com/i/j0QHfX13
  7. In 10 Hours we're going to watch a (probably) not Romance themed movie, hope to see some people there!
  8. We'll be checking out something random tonight so look forward to it. https://hyperbeam.com/i/LwkFyz2T
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  9. That sounds awesome! I love quieter shows, they help me be less stressed out, and I need that in my life.
  10. Middlespace Brat

    Weird Anime only YOU know about!

    Polar Bear Cafe!!!! It's perfect for Littles. It's slice-of-life, and it follows a Polar Bear who runs a cafe. We see his life, the life of all the animals who are customers, and just silliness! My favorite is Panda, he's super lazy and silly. I would liken it to We Bare Bears in the US, but of course it's more anime-ish than WBB.
  11. The Marshmallow Times This is a cute lil anime about these kids and their sheep mascot that write a school news paper. The show has this really cute cartoon aesthetic and all characters have this quirky and coloful sense of style! I think it's really fun and cute, i discovered it around the time i started being little actually haha. It's been fan subbed by someone on Youtube, but sadly they haven't gotten very far and have been inactive for quite a long time. https://www.youtube.com/@MarshmallowSubs Shippu! Iron Leaguer Dunno how obscure this is considered anymore, but at the time i was hyperfixated on this show back in 2012-2013 it felt like only me and my friendgroup at the time were screaming about this. (Also the fansub was still ongoing at the time, but i think it finished a long time ago). But yeah, a sunrise robot show about robot sports. Literally that's it. Lol there was this deep plot to it too, but as the show hadn't finished it's subs at the time, i watched the rest of the show with the RAWs and well, my japanese skills are quite limited lol. But the characters were all cute and fun, and hey it's a sports anime but cooler cus robots are cool. Battle Arena Toshinden OVA I'm sure the fans of the games know about this one, but the games themselves seem a bit on the obscurer side (imo at least lol i've only played toshinden 4 once!) I also don't even remember what this one was about or if it was good or not lol, i just remember it looked really nice with that 90s art style lol. Battle Spirits: Ryuuko no Ken Art of Fighting anime and i hate this one lol. i hate it because i love art of fighting so much, i feel that game deserved a better anime sigh 😞 we watched quite a lot of fighting game based anime a few years ago, i'm sure a lot of it would be considered obscure enough for this list lol 😄
  12. The viewing will be in 30 minutes or so https://hyperbeam.com/i/4AFqBScv
  13. we'll be showing a mystery movie to watch in about 10 hours, hope to see you there!
  14. LunaLilac

    Friday Movie-Tacular

    We're starign in half an hour https://hyperbeam.com/i/zBQvOk1r
  15. We'll be watching our awesome friday movie in about 8 hours, hope to see everyone and anyone there!
  16. If you've been to one or two of our movie nights you probably know I'm interested in lesser known titles, and I think everyone has different experiences with media so I'm curious. What is that one anime only you know about? That one obscure thing none of your friends have ever heard of, but you know is great. I want to hear some interesting responses!
  17. More Catsanity in 30 minutes! https://hyperbeam.com/i/y0vzloC6
  18. This CATastrophe starts in half an hour, get ready for some weird feline nonsense! https://hyperbeam.com/i/_L23CQSy
  19. This week at your friendly neighbourhood anime club it will be raining cats and dogs, only without the dogs. Tomorrow is the Catpocalypse, BE THERE. Side note EU times will be pushed back an hour and a half so I can run it, but otherwise everything should work smoothly, unless a mouse shows up, oh wait we're on pc, there's always a mouse WE'RE DOOMED.
  20. So as I understand Definitv is stepping away from hosting this club for personal reasons. And I think that means I'm going to have to host both times myself, I'm prepared to do that however, the European screening hours are during my sleep time, I can host them myself IF we push them back like an hour and a half, but I'm open to alternative solutions.
  21. LunaLilac

    Movie Night 10th

    We're staring in an hour https://hyperbeam.com/i/1c7tAyOX
  22. Next Movie Night is on the 10th, we are going for the usual times of 6 am and 6 pm GMT. Please react if you want to participate.
  23. Second showing in half an hour https://hyperbeam.com/i/BVIXVo8H
  24. https://hyperbeam.com/i/ZuGn2CIe
  25. Tonight will be the first movie night of the year, so we got an absolute classic! AKIRA https://archive.org/details/akira_20230402 Screening one will be 6am GMT and screening two 6pm GMT links to the watchroom will come closer to the times. React if you want to join ^^
  26. LunaLilac

    Movie night tonight

    Second screening is in about half an hour https://hyperbeam.com/i/zRis3DKo
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