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About This Club

Welcome to the Littles and Middles Academy, a place where we foster creativity and learning through activities. This space is for Littles & Middles to come together to learn and grow through sharing and observing!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in
  3. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in
  4. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in
  5. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in
  6. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    Please contact me on discord - naughtylilprincess we will get you in
  7. Redbottompunkin

    Enrolling new students now…

    What teachers???
  8. Redbottompunkin

    December Coloring

    We, the academy, are primarily on discord now, if you would like to join us!! Please lmk
  9. Redbottompunkin

    December Coloring

    The academy is primarily on discord now, would you like to join??? We are always open to new members!!
  10. Marry

    Name tags!

    Etiqueta con mi nombre 😊 https://photos.app.goo.gl/fwdnW1hwyJKoKJgt9
  11. Marry

    Design Your Flag!

    Mi bandera <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ🩷
  12. SensitiveEeyore

    Enrolling new students now…

    Hewo, I would like to join to please(:
  13. naberrie_knower

    Enrolling new students now…

    Hello may I please join too?
  14. Hi! I would be interested in enrolling. I have however just realised it is stated 27+, right? I sent a friend request on Discord to clarify the matter, thank you in advance!
  15. Guest

    Design Your Flag!

    My flag! ☺️🌸🌞✨️
  16. penelopebear

    Discord Link

    I'd love to get one as well please, thank you 🥰
  17. Lynn Moreno

    Design Your Flag!

  18. SJ_Rose05

    December Coloring

    It is so close to Christmas and thank you
  19. Quirky

    December Coloring

    Thank you
  20. SJ_Rose05

    November Coloring

    So cute thank you: )
  21. Hello! This looks so so fun and exciting! I'd really love to joint the Littles and Middles Academy! I tried the discord link, but it expired! Can someone help me enroll please? My discord is: my_baby_life I'll also send a friend request on discord! Thank you so much!
  22. You did so well, your handwriting is so pretttyyyy
  23. Quirky

    November Coloring

    Thank you!
  24. AliceAngelz

    Enrolling new students now…

    Hi, I would like to enroll if it’s still possible. I sent a friend request on discord.
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