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About This Club

A place to find other Christian little and middles.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. The whole book of Job has some great lessons in it
  3. Baby Girl Miss Amanda

    Daily Bible Verse!

    This verse popped up today on my daily verses. It was powerful to me to know that God sees me even when I feel all alone in the world, and He knows my heart! He knows I am doing my best and that I love with a pure heart! Even when others judge my motives, God sees me for who I really am! Job 23:10-11 "But he knows every detail of what is happening to me; and when he has examined me, he will pronounce me completely innocent—as pure as solid gold! “I have stayed in God’s paths, following his steps. I have not turned aside."
  4. I mean it's really just message but yep!
  5. Baby Girl Miss Amanda

    Sunday school coloring pages

    I couldn't get most of the Bew Testament books to load or the book of Nehemiah...🤷‍♀️ I'll try reloading from the site tomorrow.... I'm up past my bedtime and I don't like the consequences....
  6. Baby Girl Miss Amanda

    Sunday school coloring pages

    I have a bunch (over 100) coring pages ready to post on Sunday School stuff. I'll start with books of the Bible. Let me know if there's a topic you want. I'm pretty sure I've got it!
  7. Baby Girl Miss Amanda

    Bible Study Starting- The Bible Project

    Is this still going on?
  8. Hello to all and everyone. Daddy Eric is in awe.....and grateful. Should I feel like a pervert? Sexual deviant? or just a human being with 1 life to live
  9. I like it a lot too it a good one
  10. Hi you guys! Here is my favorite Bible verse of all time!! John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
  11. Very true the tongue has many powers and thinking should be encour also a good one
  12. Sorry I forgot yesterday’s! But here is todays verse. “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” -John 5:24 NLT
  13. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good Romans 12:21 NLT
  14. Very true the tongue has many powers and thinking should be encouraged before talk
  15. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Proverbs 18:21 NLT
  16. A very good promise
  17. Just wanted to share todays Bible verse of the day… “But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Corinthians 15:7 NLT
  18. I love the Bible Project! I love watching their videos that go along with my Bible study, I also just wanted to say that I’m excited to get to know everyone here!
  19. Yep just think Adam and Eve could have had any thing they wanted but one thing and they chose the forbidden fruit, with a little help of course. But they chose that because every thing he provided was not enough.and us as people just keep repeating that mistake
  20. Ok I watched video 3 today (I watch on YouTube as there is a Playlist with them all in order!) And I had two takes. First I loved that they kind of clarified the flooding of the earth. It wasn't wrath or anger from God over an imperfect creation. They describe it more as him wanting to save the w9nderfully good thing he had made in the world, creatures, and humans. He was trying to cleanse it, start over. Second they describe Genesis as showing that humans wanted to decide for themselves what good and evil was rather than trusting God, and as a result death, destructi9n, and misery followed. Feel free to share your thoughts too.
  21. If you post the episodes as you go along I will listen to them so I can be abreast of them
  22. You both are kind. Yeah Juju I can try and do that though I can't garuntee it will all be super streamlined or inciteful. Just a regular bean looking to worship in a way that helps.
  23. I would be down with the discussion part
  24. @PigtailPrincessSorry about that! I confuse myself all of the time actually lol. I just meant, I don't watch YouTube. It takes to much time and when I get on to watch, I can't seem to get right back off. It's one of those things when you watch one, you gotta watch another... kinda like eating a potato chip. Although, unfortunately, I don't stop eating those, I go back time and time again! *sighs* In a nutshell, would you share the Bible topic you are watching that particular episode? And if possible, maybe we could all discuss it?
  25. lol dirt for the win
  26. Well... obviously dirt wanted representation 🤣

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