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About This Club

An all inclusive space , for all things fashion. Stylez Klub will provide weekly/monthly activities and/or challenges , contests , advice and support for finding your personal style , recommendations for fairly priced clothing and cool finds online or in the real world , as well as all gender , body types and size inclusivity , advice for finding clothes for your body type and so much more !
  1. What's new in this club
  2. What a steal !!!! Those are so fucking cool 😍
  3. Thrifting and scored these fancy shoes!! I've never had pair like these so I couldn't pass them up
  4. DaddysMonkey

    Nails at Home

    You’re so good at the at home designs !!!!! πŸ₯°πŸ˜
  5. Andriel_Isilien

    Nails at Home

  6. Andriel_Isilien

    Nails at Home

    Winter theme combing my two favorites: white tips with GLITTER
  7. Andriel_Isilien

    Adult Onesies :3

    New additions of my onesies. Brands are Onesie Down Under, Lil Kink Boutique, and I believe Rearz.
  8. Andriel_Isilien

    Online Shopping Fail

    I remember that I made this post about the pink dress. I altered the skirt bit to give room that's more flattering for my body type. The seams up the sides were unpicked and I figured out a triangle shape to sew in extra fabric. The waist and top were totally fine; just the hip area. I'm really happy how this came out!
  9. So cute!! Omg! Makes me wanna watch Sailor Moon again!πŸ’•
  10. New press ons! πŸ’…βœ¨οΈ
  11. I have some recommendations: I know Privatina has been around for a long while and they make stuff in custom sizes. They aim for AB level smol but they are cute regardless. But the thing is it's that you do pay for their services and while I've heard wonderful things about their quality, it's just more expensive. I still do drool over some of their little girl dresses though. It's like a personal stretch goal for me People not in North America may not know this but there's a store called Hot Topic that has some really cute designs. 90's kids probably remember them as the mall goth store and I still remember getting Tripp NYC bondage pants from them back in the day. Anyways, they reorganized a while back and now have a number of cute t-shirts that do manage fit my tall frame. Because of my size I tend to get a boyfriend fit in XXL but also I like to get my Sanrio fix from them (Kuromi and My Melody FTW!). Unfortunately much of their other clothes are in petite/teen sizes so those don't ever come close to fitting me but i can't argue, they have really cute stuff! But speaking of Sanrio, their website has xl kigurumi onesies that should fit me! I am currently saving up for a Kuromi onesie because I love her. But my goodness, they have cute clothes What else... I have found that LittleForBig's snap crotch onesies in XXXL fit me mostly well thanks to the knit fabric. No word on their dresses though. I suspect that they would be a little short and fit a little weirdly on me. Still, some of them are hecking adorable and available for in a number of sizes I also thrift and upcycle clothes because I am so tall. So that's always an option especially if you or your caregiver/big can sew after finding a cute base garment Does anyone else have any ideas?
  12. soo cute and great idea!!!
  13. I saw a pair of Bluey and Bingo shoes but they were only for toddlers, not adults. I REALLY wanted my own pair and a little friend in my local community did a craft date to paint some! πŸ’™πŸ§‘πŸΎ
  14. Valentines nails :3 To be honest - they don’t look as nice and neat as I normally would like BUT … these ones make me feel little for some reason.
  15. Andriel_Isilien

    Plaid Dress

    Love love LπŸ’œVE this plaid sweater dress I just got for myself. I feel super cute in. The stockings just πŸ‘Œ
  16. Andriel_Isilien

    Nails at Home

    Growing my nails out and painted them. I've been having fun combining two kinds; a plain solid color and then topping with a clear polish that's saturated with GLITTER
  17. DaddysMonkey

    Casual Friday at work !

    I love that we get casual fridays :3
  18. splendabae

    Casual Friday at work !

    looking comfy~
  19. I covered my name tag and the logo on my vest - but they gave me a branded vest ! :3
  20. DaddysMonkey


    The shirts with the little peekaboo cut outs are so fun :3
  21. splendabae

    Green and brown again :)

    ooo looking so profressshhh X3 monkey slay~
  22. No - you’re not allowed to read my name tag πŸ˜‡
  23. Carrot Cake

    Green is for money

    cute! Green is my favorite color.

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