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About This Club

A warm , welcoming and supportive place for all of those on a health and fitness journey.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I'm joining the trend. Splurged on myself with a walking pad to develop the habit of walking while I watch shows or play video games. I used to have an indoor bike back in 2020 that I used so much but then had to sell (I miss it 😢)
  3. This cutie is so quiet. He likes to sneak up behind and spook me for head pats 🥺
  4. went out for a walk and I heard footsteps behind me.
  5. He got little shoes because it's hot
  6. I got brave and walked these two sillies together.
  7. outside with my walking buddy
  8. It's good to see that I'm still hitting my goal with steps each month.
  9. Out on a trail
  10. Another walk with my buddy
  11. I forgot to upload this. Seeing how many steps I reach each month is helpful to measure.
  12. Twice I took this doggo friend for a walk but last week's photo didn't come out.
  13. I took a doggo on a walk outside 🐾
  14. Andriel_Isilien


    I used to have a mini exercise bike that I would pedal while watching TV or play video games. I REALLY regret selling it and miss that thing! So, I treated myself to a new toy. I got a steal of a deal on this stepper. 👏 An hour went by using this while I played Tetris on my switch. 😅 We'll see how sore I am tomorrow.
  15. Andriel_Isilien

    More Stamina

    Update on my progress as I still exercise 3-5 times a week, switching it up or at least maintaining. ✌️ I have noticed that climbing over fences and gates is easier. Like I am able to push myself up, pick myself up from the ground, or hold a squat with little discomfort. Twice I recently tripped and fell onto the ground (cuz I'm still clumsy AF 😅) but I did NOT feel it the next day like I have been worried about. Only my pride got bruised LOL and I can live with that. I did a test on myself, and I was able to hold a wall sit for a full minute as well as a plank too. One of my trainers called it "growing younger" which is AMAZING to feel. Sure, I still get some stiffness now and then but it's actually getting better now after a couple years of this. 😁 Like my lower back was once in chronic pain for over a year and I had to sleep with a bolster under my knees for a reprieve. I don't need that anymore. I now know the correct way to position my back and hips to stop triggering the injury and how to strengthen my glutes and core to protect my back. This is the main thing that I want; to reduce pain in joints, back, and my body. 👏 When I look at my photo I had taken for my ID badge 2 years ago, there is a definite change in my face. I'm actually embarrassed by how puffy it looked back then 😭 I just might have it retaken and then show a comparison.
  16. Andriel_Isilien


    I really like tomatoes (they're my favorite) and to have some veggie juice like this on the side of a meal/snack is an added bonus.
  17. I have cerebral palsy and now thag my body is getting older I am losing more strength in my legs resulting in being stuck to a walker...not what u want at 38 yrs old. My dr has warned that someday its going to be wheelchair, so Ive started chair exercises to help hopefully keep me out of one for awhile. That and losing weight having no thyroid causes weight gain is my reason of trying to exercise any way i can
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    Looks pretty good and good protein
  18. Granny Guns (@granny__guns) • Instagram photos and videos This lady is 66 and as you can see, is a 🌟ROCKSTAR🌟 Granny has been on her fitness journey for 8 years. It started when she had arthritis and worked on building muscle around those joints to help with the pain. She is inspiring with her posts to keep going and how it's never too late to start. 💪👵 Chase your goals!
  19. Andriel_Isilien


    Switching it up to a weekly share of my steps. My goal has been to reach 8k for at least 4 days a week.
  20. I walked until my headphones died 🙃

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