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A collective home of good hearted , meaningful , and helpful knowledge and advise for people new or old to the community. There is always room for learning ! Be respectful.  Be kind.  Be helpful. Be thoughtful.  Be reflective.  Feeling really worked up over a debate or discussion taking place ? We always suggest taking however long you need , but  please to take a moment to breathe and reflect before making hurtful and harsh statements that are not helpful or constructive.  Try to remember that life is not one size fits all. Humans were all raised in different homes , families (or lack of family) , belief systems , ect. There is a big difference in someone having a different view than you and expressing it in a kind manner , and someone being hateful , predatory , or dangerous / displaying dangerous behavior. Please keep this in mind , and if you think someone is being the hateful or predatory please contact any or ALL staff members. 
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  2. I know this reply is over a year later but just wanted to say how much I appreciate you sharing this! I find myself relating to a lot of your experiences of doing really stupid things in my younger years in the name of ‘living out an ideal’ in my head. As I’ve gotten older and learned some of the root causes of those behaviors, it’s definitely helped but it’s still a hard road. With DDLG especially I had no idea what this was until later in life and I dived head first without really understanding what it was (let alone the world of BDSM) and found myself doing exactly what you described with a daddy who wanted a harem of littles. 😂 I’m not going to bash him since he was open about it - I just didn’t respect my own feelings and my own boundaries about it. I told myself that I was okay with it because I told myself, ‘daddy knows best & he’s looking out for me’ without really realizing that…that may not really be true haha. At the end of the day it was a learning experience for me to understand it’s ok to not be okay with certain things and to say no. (Something I need to work on in all aspects of life haha) Anywhoo, thanks for your post, very insightful and thought provoking. Cheers!
  3. More nicknames for your little 💗Feminine💗 princess, baby girl, little lady, little girl, beautiful, little gal, wee lass 💙Masculine💙 prince, baby boy, little man, little boy, handsome, little guy, wee lad
  4. NAMES TO CALL YOUR CAREGIVER 💗 Feminine 💗 Mommy, Mama, Miss, Missy, Mimi, Mama Bear, Ma, Mami, Nana, Mumma, Ma'am, Mom, 💛 Gender Neutral 💛 Bubba, Bear, Bubby, Bub, Bubs, Pal, Baba, Big Bear, Teddy, Snuggle Buddy, Bubbles, Carebear 💙 Masculine 💙 Daddy, Dada, Mister, Papa, Papa Bear, Papi, Pa, Sir, Hubby, Captain, Pabba, DD, Dad, Mr. Muffin *This is a starter to get ideas going. Please share what nicknames you like for your Caregiver.
  5. Andriel_Isilien

    Self-Work & Introspection

    Great timing with this topic I wrote up as one of my favorite YouTuber just made a video talking about feeling your feelings! Peter Monn here mostly explains the emotion SADNESS, but it can easily apply to other emotions you may struggle with: ANGER, ANXIETY, etc.
  6. lillizzie24

    Self-Work & Introspection

    ty for sharing
  7. Some advice I have been given from various people I talk to in my life and influencers I follow. A burden I'm shedding from my childhood is that I am responsible for managing the feelings of others. A side effect from that is I have suppressed my own feelings and needs. I'll share what helps me to focus, retrain my thinking to get out. It's a work in progress after several years. I may keep adding to this as more unfolds that I am learning. And please, I welcome more input from others to reply below or questions to elaborate further on something. The start was hearing the truth bomb that "feelings are feedback NOT facts". Your emotions don't define your character. It's OK to feel angry, fear, hurt, etc. How you choose to act/respond to such emotions matter whether it is heathy or safe. Give space for feelings rather than suppressing. What is the emotional signaling you? Is there a need that isn't being met or is threatened? This takes a lot of being honest with yourself and not having judgement. Just acknowledging the existence of the emotion is HUGE. Take a break to give yourself a few minutes to process. You can try noticing where in your body you are feeling it. Something that I have noticed for myself that comes out of practicing this is I examine what my core values are. A lot of my needs stem from those to keep harmony in myself. If I have relied on others to set morals for me, I am due for internal struggle and misery. This is a list to get ideas going on what emotions mean for you. What emotion tends to control you rather than you being in control of? Uncomfortable emotions are not bad. Try to resist judging yourself for feeling something. Give a label the emotion (the protector, the child, the coach, etc.). Take notice on what those feelings want to say if they could. I am used to internalizing, "Just get over it already!" when what I need is a healthy way to move THROUGH it. Reparenting myself has been most useful and that may be another topic I can write about in detail. Here are some steps for starters I like to use. Another truth bomb I learned is I am not responsible for how other people react. What they think about me is not my business. Letting that go is in my best interest and sanity. What I can control is myself, my thoughts, my behavior, my perspective. Your mind can be a safe space when you stop letting others rent space for free. I benefit a lot from validation, and I can control giving that to myself with affirmation and self-talk. Heck, I'll even talk to my stuffies for help. In the beginning, it felt ridiculous talking to myself out loud. But it works, holy fuck it works! Letting myself vent when I'm pissed off or speaking words that are soothing when I'm sad is so helpful. I can see the needs in another person and give support but somehow not to myself. Talking (or sometimes writing in a journal) puts those feelings literally outside of my head for me to hear/see. Then I can give myself the words of comfort, support, love, or whatever just as I would to a friend. I have been working on anger and going to the gym has been great for that. I am into the arts as an outlet for some of these things. I like to put together playlists of songs according to what I'm feeling. Are there other tried and true techniques you have to share?
  8. Andriel_Isilien

    Falling right into their plot -

    Wished I could go back in time to warn myself about this
  9. Here are some more thoughts I have and general tips! - keep a list of things that trigger your headspace. this can help you find common factors and help you slip easier - keep a list of your favorite activities to do in Littlespace that why when you do slip, you have a few ideas of things to do - keep a list of things you want to try while little. This will keep it interesting and motivational - make a littlespace to do list to keep you on track with your plans for little time to make you feel like you got the most out of it - prep for your little self/little time. get your clothes/diapers out or on, clean up your space, set up cartoons ready to go, fill up a sippy, get a snack, get stuffies or toys or coloring supplies, etc - keep a chore chart so you both stay on top of al your adulty things but to also help you feel little - little-ify daily task! make chores into a game, have a sticker chart or rewards, use your little gear during it like diapers or pacis or stuffie friends, let yourself regress while doing it if you can do so safely, listen to little music, and so on!
  10. First an foremost, I can only sign this from BeesCees! Working in IT as a person handling escalated and critical situations, my approach to this is: You cannot over-communicate! Most things you think, are worth to be told to another person. There are hardly any thought, which cannot be shared, be it sexual, funny, tragic, you name it.
  11. I would wager lots of us have had not just hard but abusive or toxic relationships. One of the best things I love about littlespace is it's a cope and a joy. I remind me of my core and that it is good. I am however a glowy person so life and therapy agree: I tend to attract narcs and socios. I think emde rocks, parts work is good for those with parts and as for red flags: I use internal rules. When someone pushes these (cuz I am a natural pleaser) I try to have an inner alert that says that is a narc/socio/not desired aggressive tendency. I've got a healthy helping of masochistic so I tend to take emotional n physical pain too much before going hey: I don't like that. So if you too get in situations where your blind til your not: skip the conseling sesh: this one's on me: accept it and try to place watches for the next red flag. Reach out to Seven Humans (not just one doc or a friend: Seven humans need to know Your Story and brainstorm ideas on how to move forward or out or make peace depending where you're at. (Tends to be isolating so be creative to find your folks). Usually takes Seven tries to leave abuse so realize you can do it and keep trying. And double props to the littles like me who need extra an good daddy to help heal. If you have abuse in your past: oh well first you can lean on me: helps to know we do survive and thrive. And um counseling, you can't navigate life alone (daddies too). Get a coach for it.
  12. Be careful whose stories you believe and put energy into.
  13. Falling for someone’s false narrative can easily make you their “next abuser” when the story fits their needs.
  14. That is such a smart way to think of it actually
  15. Very good way to think of it, thank you!
  16. Don't stop with the self care, while you have a Daddy. I have my alarms set for taking my meds, I have tasks I need to do that I manage. I do, of course, have things that he looks after but I keep some of my core self care. It's too important to give away. It's like quitting work because you get married and then try to get back into the workforce. You get out of the habit of doing things that are fundamental to being you. Don't stop. Share maybe but keep your own self care.
  17. Sometimes I think I should just listen and sometimes I think talking is fun. I...like to relate so anyone in little or middle world struggle with the the back and forths? I think most of us who like littlespace have little play life/real life feelings. One for me in particular is I can do really good self care but when under um like Daddy care, I get s little lost when I have to go back to self care. Do actually think self care is critical but oh ...the wishes and wiggles makes me feel a little lost sometimes. Anyone have some tips for that tricky step of this lifestyle? Care/self care adjustment tips for better day to days:-) please and thank you!

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