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About This Club

This is for all you book worms!!! We are starting a club where we will read and discuss all things literature!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. interested
  3. Sounds amazing! I’m reading wayyy to fast and love to exchange more about books ☺️
  4. Amazing I will add you!
  5. I would be interested I like mystery ,thrillers and manga
  6. Hello all Pigtail here with a new announcment. As I am sure yall have noticed the Forum is updated and faster than ever!!! I have been eagerly awaiting this because as yall know events and interacting can be hard when it's slow, so thank @shadowrider for this. As a result it want to start a special group!!! I have several names that I think we will vote on once we have a group. This group will be for active readers, so we are talking reading every week at least, and will eventually host things like a Book Club with a group read, special check in page, and just general book talk meetings in Chat hopefully. There will be a small process but for now to show interest just comment saying you are interested and you genre of choice Thanks all I am really hoping to get something fun going. Pigtail
  7. Name: Mermaid Age: 32 Favorite book as an adult: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare, one of my favorites but I can't really decide on a top favorite Favorite book as a child: Dr. Seuss (any) and Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine (lol sorry again can't decide on one top favorite) Favorite genre: Fantasy, Romance, Dark Romance, RomaFantasy, ReTellings Favorite troupe: Love Triangle, Enemies to Lovers , Forbidden Romance (and more) Least Favorite types of main characters: Mary Sue's that aren't like every other girls (when they in are or try to hard not to be) One book that deserved a sequel: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (A favorite of mine from High School and couldn't help but get left feeling like this need more and another book too) Do you read physical books or digital: Digital and Audiobooks to be exact (Nook than Kindle, couldn't get into Kindle though I do have one) How much do you read a week: I tend to read a few chapters one day a week (been busy and very distracted to not being able to read more than I liked too)
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  8. The Worry Cure by Robert L Leahy is a self help book for extreme worriers. It was "assigned" by my trauma therapist. I am about 16% of the way through and have been recording my thoughts if anyone's interested.
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      • 100 percent yes
  9. I'm now reading Wind and Truth on my kindle by Brandon Sanderson. It was just released a couple weeks ago. Might be a decade for the next book to be published 😄
  10. Well I am reading the second Spark of the Evertree books and also a self help book titled The Worry Cure. Ohhh yess booooks! I use Kindle and Daddy let's ke get what I need so I tendcto just buy as I read instead of a bunch at once.
  11. Your welcome. What are you currently reading? I just finished a book and I am waiting to see what books I get for Christmas before I start a new one. I love bookmas.
  12. @Andriel_Isilien @kryssi01 Thank you for posting your Reading Profiles!!!
  13. For all the just jib jab. I would love for us all to talk more
  14. Name: Kryssi Age: 42 Favorite book as an adult: Fourth Wing series Favorite book as a child: The boxcar children Favorite genre: romance, romantacy, fantasy Favorite trope: who did this to you / instant love Least favorite types of main characters: drama queens One book that deserved a sequel: lol all of them I never want to leave a book world. Do you read physical books or digital: Kindle and physical books How much do you read a week: hours a day
  15. Name: Andriel Age: 36 Favorite book as an adult: Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson Favorite book as a child: Redwall series by Brian Jacques Favorite genre: Sci-Fi and Fantasy Favorite trope: Hurt/Comfort Least favorite types of main characters: Mary Sue aka Bella Swan One book that deserved a sequel: This is hard because most books I read are series. I may have to come back to this as I think more. Do you read physical books or digital: Kindle (audio is also great!) How much do you read a week: Uhh.... I haven't tracked that 😅
  16. Personally I just want to read it. Books look nice but I don't have a ton of space so I read on my Kindle which I also love.
  17. If I were desperate too read it, I'd probably just read the book. If I liked it enough to read again, then possibly get it to match.
  18. Ready for some would you rather? I will post the questions and yall can pist your answers here. First one: Would you rather wait to buy the your favourite series/book in an edition that matches on your bookshelf or read the book in any edition because your desperate to read it?
  19. *THIS ISNT A REAL POST IT IS JUST AN EXAMPLE SO YALL HAVE AN IDEA* Hi guys I am looking for a general book buddy. Below is some info to see if we match! Book Genres I Read: Romance specifically dark and Monster Reading speed: I get stressed and need time but can usually finish a chunky book in under a month. Personality or Extea Info: I am more of a goofy non serious type who likes to gush abput characters and not discovering too much onto politics or serious stuff. I also am not a debater **(This is what a Book Buddy search looks like. The following is a Specifoc Book Read search example)** Hey I am looking to read the following and want a partner! Book: Harry Potter #1 by JK Rowling When: Start in a week and finish by January Chat Place: Here in messages or Discord. Will post stuff on here for larger discussion as well Alright this gives you an idea of what to post!
  20. Name: Pigtail Age: 33 Favorite book as an adult: A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne Favorite book as a child: Briar Rabbit a childrens book and later Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Imperial Woman by Pearl S. Buck Favorite genre: Dark Romance and Monster Romance Favorite troupe: Forced Proximity and Ememies to Lovers Least Favorite types of main characters: Arrogance that isn't founded One book that deserved a sequel: I read Circe by Madeline Miller deserved more. I wanted more. Do you read physical books or digital: Kindle all the way!!! How much do you read a week: Depends on the week but I try for an hour or so on light weeks. Sometimes it is more like a full time job 😅
  21. Here is my current read that u am starting a chat on. Below you will find the book description! I spoiled it because it's long. So far I am 40% in and I love it. The way she works arpund doing magic (avoiding a spoiler) is so cool and visceral.
  22. *EXAMPLE POST NOT THE REAL IRON FLAME DISCUSSION* Ok so I read Iron Flame and was soooo angry at this part Page 345 45% in SPOILER
  23. Here is a template to copy paste to let us know what kind of reader you are! Name: Age: Favorite book as an adult: Favorite book as a child: Favorite genre: Favorite troupe: Least Favorite types of main characters: One book that deserved a sequel: Do you read physical books or digital: How much do you read a week:
  24. I've recently read a few Scottish gothic stories - The Hare House and The Lighthouse Witches. Any recommendations in this genre?
  25. Sorry guys lol technically difficulties but this is where we are discussing!!! Hello all Pigtail back at you with excitement!!! Sorry for my long absence but now that I am back 100% I am wanting to revamp and breathe new life into the reading club. However.... I would love to hear some suggestions and pisative feedback. I am looking to see who all is still or will participate and also what yall would like to see. I can garuntee that one of the first things will be for us smut readers so if the naughty stuff is up your street watch out! So please get the conversation going here as I look forward to us all reading together again. Yours, Pigtail
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  26. Gotcha!!! Thank you again!!!

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