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Ignored Topics feature added

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 It was recently brought up that it would be nice to be able to ignore or mark as not interested in certain topics, especially in the personals section, so you don't waste time re reading something you have no interest in.

I have found that one of the developers did have an "Ignored Topics" add on. So I have purchased and installed that and it should be ready for y'all to try out. 

As of right now it is active in the following sections: Personals, Friends Zone, Social Media, Health and Sex, and Meetups

It will also hide ignored topics from your activity stream and search results.

I can add it to the others but wanted to get it up and running to see how y'all like it before spending too much time on it. 

If you look on your profile and click Account Settings you will see at the bottom of the list you now have access to Ignored Topics. So you can see what you have ignored and I would assume un ignore if you wish. 


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