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~+- Witch Craft General -+~






Discuss your craft here.


Is your craft religious?


Do you follow an off set of witch craft?


What kind of witch are you (green/kitchen/ etc.)?


How long have you been a witch?


Does it run in your family, or is this a lone venture into it?

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 hi i am a cristo-witch/ storm-witch

 i fallow briget and morgen 


Oh goodness speak of the devil.

I was just wondering if there was a topic on Witchcraft! x3

My craft is more spiritual then religious, but I guess you can call it that. :3

Aside from being a Witch I'm also Wiccan... does that count?

Sea/Kitchen/Hedge Witch, but I'm sure I'll just eventually drop the labels and just call myself a Witch.

For the last two years I've kept saying I've been a Witch for eight years, but now that I've actually done the math it's been almost 11 since I started. I feel so old. ;~; lol

Hmm... I don't think it runs in my family. 
My Grandmother is Christian, Papa was atheist I think, My Dad is an atheist, Mom is an Atheist, and my sister is too. I'm the only Witch to my knowledge in my family. But that's okay. I don't mind it, since my Mom is who brought Witchcraft and Wicca to my attention. :3

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Wiccans and witches aren't the same. 

That's right.

You can be both, or one or the other. ^^

(o~o did I say that it was? I'm sorry if I did. ;~; )

Guest LavanderRabbit

Not all Wiccans are witches, Not all Pagans are Wiccan. Not all Pagans are Witches. As a Pagan it's rude to claim to be a certain kind of "Witch" and fall under gods and goddesses you know nothing about. Watch what you say on this post because if you knew anything about the craft, it's that you never claim something your not.

I'm Wiccan and I haven't yet tried my hand at Witchcraft yet, but I intend to :) Any suggestions or hints are definitely greatly appreciated! <3
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  • 4 weeks later...

I had no idea I'd find other pagans here. That's just awesome! I guess I would call myself an eclectic neo pagan. I work in several traditions, and currently my brother and I are trying to get an all GBT men's group together.


I realize I'm a bit late to the conversation, but princess_Mel,have you considered starting out with some candle magicks? They can be really easy and a lot of fun, too.

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I've just been getting into witchcraft myself, it was something I was always drawn to for as long as I remember...


I'm actually glad I saw this thread, it's really comforting to meet this many people with the same interests in the same place. ; w ;

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Does anybody meditate? I used to, and I need to get back to it again. I find it helps me connect me with myself and the earth.


I guess I would consider myself a kitchen and green witch, though I'm new to this world as well. I'm a follower of Hecate, as I felt drawn to this through her. She's the reason I actually officially became a witch~


My goals for myself and the craft this year are to learn more about herbs, meditate more often, learn some sort of "fortune telling", and celebrate a proper holiday.


I need to meditate more often as well. I just can't seem to make a habit of it. When I'm feeling really out of balance, I go to a spot I have by the river and make some offerings, that helps a lot.


Princess, you could appeal to Hecate, or Hectate (there's a different spelling apparently) and ask for Her guidance finding the right divination for you to practice. Everyone's different in those arts. Sometimes tarot works for me, and sometimes fire scrying works, but it's never a sure thing.

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I go to a spot I have by the river and make some offerings, that helps a lot.


Princess, you could appeal to Hecate, or Hectate (there's a different spelling apparently) and ask for Her guidance finding the right divination for you to practice.

That sounds really lovely. I hope to one day have a river somewhere close by, they're very calming.


I also have never thought of that second part, for some reason. Perhaps I shall. I want to make my home proper for her first (I worry about disappointing and having an environment filled with negative energy), and perhaps dedicate some more time to her and my practice beforehand. I'm still not sure of exactly how my relationship is with her, if that makes any sense.


To be honest, this thread was the reason I stopped lurking and decided to start posting!


I'm a solitary witch. I discovered what I was 10 years old, but at that age, did not get the support and acceptance from my family to pursue it. I remained in the broom closet for a decade, until I was able to find community and acceptance. I'm eclectic and have dabbled with kitchen, green and hedge witchery. I've been interested in beginning a path as a druid, as I've recently found a group nearby. The Morrigan is my matron and I love Her very much. I don't consider myself religious, and my path is still developing and changing.


I'm glad to see other witches/pagans/wiccans, and any other titles I've missed, here. <3


That sounds really lovely. I hope to one day have a river somewhere close by, they're very calming.


I also have never thought of that second part, for some reason. Perhaps I shall. I want to make my home proper for her first (I worry about disappointing and having an environment filled with negative energy), and perhaps dedicate some more time to her and my practice beforehand. I'm still not sure of exactly how my relationship is with her, if that makes any sense.


Princess, don't be afraid of reaching out to Hecate. You don't have to wait to be worthy of her. My fear got in my way a lot when I wanted to start working with goddesses. I was super scared of working with the Morrigan. I felt the pull, but I found myself feeling that I wasn't worthy enough or ready, and to reach out to her of my own will would make me unwelcome. She finally came to me, and quite forcefully, told me I was hers, validating that pull I felt. I had to get over my fears quite quickly, and I'm so glad I have.

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Fawnlily, welcome aboard! I was surprised by this thread, too. Its great to discover others of like mind, isn't it?
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  • 3 months later...

What a cool thread! I don't have any specific religion, but if I had to put a name to me, I would say Christo-Pagan or Christo-Wiccan. I believe in and follow the Trinity of God the Father (who I believe is spirit), Jesus the Son (who I believe is God taking human form) and the Holy Spirit (who I experience as a feminine divine essence). My religious practices are mostly Wiccan...with some Catholic elements from my childhood still in there.


I did a prayer/spell awhile ago that now seems to be going horribly wrong...but I am going to do additional insight and other work and see if this bad patch isn't part of the journey I need to go on for the spell to work.


That's something I need to remember and often forget...it's not like "sha-ZAM!" all the time. I don't discuss my private rituals in public...but to use a pretend one as an example...say I cast for improved finances. I still might lose both my jobs. It would feel like it wasn't working at first...but perhaps I lost those jobs because I needed to learn to budget money better, and needed to be pushed to apply for that better job just around the corner.

Guest Penny

This is a cool thread. I've studied and practiced a lot of forms of magic and paganism to find what interests me but my heart lies in voodoo.


The religion itself is very beautiful and loving and I enjoy the magical aspects of it as well. As a rule I only use magic when I absolutely need to.

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I have studied Voodoo as well.  The real religion is different than the popular culture thinks it is. It is beautiful. There are very few paths I just flat out will not go near. I can only think of three that I absolutely will not borrow from and cannot even stand to be around.


I was reading back over the thread, and I really like A Cuddly Dom's post about Hecate. While I worship the Trinity, I believe all gods are manifestations of the same God. (I think Jesus was speaking in terms of the love and compassion he came to bring when he said "no one goes to the father except through me." I don't think he meant a person couldn't experience God in different ways.)  I often have dreams featuring someone I know is God, but doesn't look like any view of God I've ever encountered...then I look it up...and it is a god/goddess of another path.


As a rule, I also use magic/k when I absolutely need to. I found that the way I behave and what I put out in ritual really leaks in to my personality. In the past, I have gone through phases where I was much too casual with magic/k; nothing truly harmful...just not taking it seriously enough...things like casting a money spell when I wanted to have a splurge day at the mall....a beauty spell over a few bad hair days....and any time I did something like that, I started acting very silly and too casual about things. Now, most of my rituals are done in times of crisis. Every once in a while I will do an insight ritual, or a reaffirming ritual...but even then it because I am confused about something from a previous ritual, or feel myself slipping from the path I know I'm supposed to be on after a previous ritual.


Does anyone else use magic/k collages? (collecting images that represent what you seek).

Guest Miss Braid

While I really wouldn't consider myself a witch anymore, I do still practice witchcraft and divine at times. I have a family tradition, but I wasn't really allowed to know much about it growing up, and just allowed the edges of it. Most of what I learned about from my family is the "superstitious" parts -- don't look over your shoulder or you'll offend fey, don't take pennies from people you don't like or trust, etc


I read anything I could find for a while (not much) and so would say in a practical manner, I'm eclectic to a fault. When I was very much beginning, I would (try to) work with specific powers, but that's just not me. I tend, if I work now, which is rare but it happens, to work with powers I know but don't have names for. I've found them to be troubling, dark, and strong. I often worry if that should concern me because of the Judeo-Christian lens I sometimes see it through.


I have had something very dark try to interfere the last few times I have done a ritual. I am not sure what it is.

Guest Penny

I do that from time to time cherry, even outside of magic it's a fun thing to do and it can really keep you focused on a particular goal.


Yeah voodoo is a very lovely religion and I've found a great connection with it. I'm kind of a spiritual shopper though because while voodoo is my go to source I also find a lot of peace in the Islamic prayer, I use it a lot to calm me down and keep me centered and I've even found that in churches.


Sometimes I don't use spacific rituals I'll just wing it do to speak and that works really well actually.


I had a priest once tell me after he found out I was into all of that that prayer and magic aren't really any different except that when I do I I actually expect something to happen where as prayer seems to be more hopeful.

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 I really didn't expect to see others here who have practiced Vodoun. That's very interesting. My brother and I started adopting practices from New Orleans Voodoo and some aspects of Santeria almost two years ago. I find that I really like working with Oshun and Eshu (Legba) as they are very warm and kind spirits. I also really enjoy working with Baron Samedi and the Ghede. I really can't even describe the intensity of what its like to dance with the Ghede, it is a totally different experience from working in the Native American medicine.


 When I first started practicing, it was with either simple, sympathetic magicks like candle spells, or long winded, drawn out ceremonies inspired mostly by the works of Gerald Gardener. I just really couldn't feel it in my bones yet, even though I found it to be a more empowering belief system from that which I was raised in. The Pueblo medicine I worked in certainly gave me great experiences, and I'm not done with that medicine yet, but it wasn't until we started working with the Loa and the Orisha that I felt something really take over. I could go into a ritual with just my intent, and the ancestors would instruct me what to do and how. I never had that before. I would have to plan out every aspect of a ceremony to make sure all went accordingly. Now, I pretty much go on auto-pilot. It's really an interesting development.

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I found that planning out rituals just does not work for me. My book doesn't even have specific rituals in it. It has a list of color correspondences and a list of scent correspondences for the oils I use to dress my candles. That's it. The rest of it is a journal where I reflect on rituals, write out everyday concerns, and make personal lists and notes.


When I do rituals, I can plan out what colors and scents I'm going to use, but everything else has to be chosen according to the specific ritual around the time I plan to do it...or it won't work.

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